First Annual Skilled Trades Expo a Huge Success
On May 17 and 18, 2011 Georgian College at their Robert Hartog Midland Campus hosted their First Annual Skilled Trades Expo to showcase all of the skilled trades training that Georgian College offers, across all of their campuses.
The event was organized by Jenn Dubois and a group of 40 people from the Georgian College faculty and staff, plus volunteers and students, hosted a total of 480 students from 32 different schools who attended over the two-day session.
The 12 trades that Georgian presented include:
- plumbing
- electrical
- marine
- small engine
- welding
- carpentry
- cabinetmaking
- precision machining and tooling
- heating, ventilating and air conditioning
- gas fitting
- power engineering
- solar
Each of the 32 schools involved was given the opportunity to select 15 of their students to attend. The goal was to attract students who are specifically interested in one of the 12 trades represented and each of the students approved to attend, was given the opportunity to select two different “hands-on” workshops as well as to receive information on the other 10 trades represented.
The Skilled Trades Expo was a community effort directed by the steering committee from Midland. Students selected to attend received their bus transportation to the campus, supplies, meals and other benefits at no cost.
Trades related contractors, suppliers, retailers and community partners provided financial support with top-level Platinum supporters donating $5000 while Silver-level contributors only needed to offer $500 to make the Skilled Trades Expo such a success.
Although the 2011 skilled trades Expo was a pilot project, the event was judged to be such a success that it will be refined and offered in a larger and more comprehensive version for the 2012 year.
The Recreational Boating Center of Excellence received quite a bit of attention by students expressing their interest in marine and small engine repair. While Canada’s marine industry is suffering a significant shortage of skilled technicians, the Skilled Trades Expo at Georgian College made it easy for interested students to attend and the “hands-on” approach gave students a chance to actually tear down a real outboard engine during the sessions with Rob Davidson and Kevin Janes. This approach is an outstanding way to eliminate barriers and open doors to welcome young students into the program.
We wish Georgian College continued success and we invite any of our readers to get in touch with the college to support this initiative. For further information contact the Georgian College Robert Hartog Midland campus or e-mail Dan Brooks, Manager of the Midland Campus at