IBEX Announces Winners of Exhibitor Video Awards
At the Opening day's All-Industry Breakfast at the International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX) the three winners of the first-annual Exhibitor Video Awards (EVAs) were announced.
The winners were Vetus America for Best Corporate Video, Marinco/Mastervolt for Best Product Video and Insync Marine, People’s Choice. Honorable mention for People’s Choice went to second-place winner Dometic Marine.
The Best Corporate and Product Videos were selected by a panel of judges from Marine Marketers of America (MMA). The People’s Choice award was determined by the most “likes” and votes on the IBEX Facebook page.
IBEX, the premier boating-industry technical trade show and networking event, was taking place last week at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville.
In presenting the awards, IBEX show director Anne Dunbar commented, “We created the EVAs to recognize the growing importance of video in sales and marketing. A recent survey revealed that 52 percent of companies in North America used video content in 2011. That’s up from 37 percent in 2012. And another survey of 3,800 social media marketers cited YouTube and video as their top areas for investment in 2012.”
Jim Rhodes, judging chairman and a board member of MMA, added, “The investment in video pays off. Research shows that including video in an e-mail campaign increases open rates by 5.6 percent and click-through rates by 96 percent. And visitors who watch a product video on a website are 85 percent more likely to buy the product than those who do not.”
The EVA competition was open to all 2012 exhibitors who posted a product or corporate video with their online booths on the IBEX website. To check out the videos, visit the IBEX website at www.ibexshow.com and click through to their Facebook page.