NSBA Hosts an ABYC Composite Boat Builder Certification Course

The Nova Scotia Boatbuilders Association (NSBA) will be holding a three-day American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) Composite Boat Builder certification course at the Atlantic Beer Institute in the Brewery Market Building in Halifax (1496 Lower Water Street), on January 10th to January 12th, 2012.
Facilitated by ABYC, this complete and "all-encompassing" composites course is designed for boatbuilders and manufacturers. Topics include marine composite construction, production and advanced manufacturing processes, structural details and hardware installation, quality assurance, and safety and environmental compliance.The fee to register is $450.00 CAN plus HST for NSBA and AMTA Members and $500.00 CAN plus HST for Non-NSBA Members, and includes the cost of your study guide. Registration and full payment of fees on or before December the 19th, 2011, is required to be in attendance. Attendees will receive schedule details upon registering. Click the link for registration information http://www.boatinginatlanticcanada.com/PDF/abyccompositecourse.pdf or contact Toba Offman at 902-423-2378