When: September 22 – 25, 2015 8:30 AM Daily
Register » or visit www.abycinc.org
This four day program hosted by Shumway Marine with instructor Ray Toth will present the newcomer to marine electrics with the basic information to get started in this interesting area of marine service and troubleshooting. The program will explain all common terms used and discuss fundamental electrical theory as it applies to marine electrical systems and cathodic protection systems used to help mitigate corrosion on boats.
This ABYC Class is designed to provide a core foundation of technical information necessary for any salt or fresh water marine craft enthusiast. Every legitimate and concerned boater needs vital knowledge to maximize efficient operation and maintenance, as well as safety issues in the marine environment.
During class students will be taught how to use a common digital multi-meter to measure volts, electrical resistance and amperage, both AC and DC. Perhaps more important, this class will teach the successful student what the readings they get on their meter actually mean and what some of the corrective actions that may need to be taken are.
This class will also review some of the common causes for marine corrosion and how to provide suitable protection against it. “For anyone dealing with marine electrical systems and safety issues… this class is essential.”
Course materials will be handed out during the first day of class. Students with special needs must inform the ABYC in writing of said needs at the time of class registration to ensure that any special accommodations can be made.
Hotel Information: Rochester Marriott Airport Hotel 1890 West Ridge Road, Rochester, NY www.marriott.com/rocap (7 miles from Yacht Club)
Holiday Inn Express Rochester – Greece, 1635 West Ridge Road, Rochester, NY, 14615
585-663-8400 http://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/us/en/rochester/rocex/hoteldetail
NOTE: The club is closed for food on Tuesday but open all other days. There are a couple of deli’s close by. For dinner try the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 99 Court Street, Rochester.