Creating a Canadian Conversation

Andy Adams


Feb 9, 2021

What I miss the most this year is the interaction I normally get with you and your peers in the industry. At the Toronto Boat Show, there was always time to stop and talk, ask questions, share ideas and trade opinions. Another great opportunity for having conversations has always been the Boating Ontario Conference, or for you in other parts of Canada, the Boating Atlantic events, the Boating BC Conference and others. Coming up this month is the Vancouver Boat Show, but like Toronto last month, it too will be virtual.

These virtual shows and events seem to be successful for the exhibitors so that’s good, but everyone acknowledges that the face-to-face interaction is missing. 

This morning, Tuesday, February 9th I’ll will again be one of the presenters at the NMMA Canada Virtual State of the Industry Session. I’m honored to be a part of this, but this year it’s virtual; no face-to-face and no actual breakfast either!

Seriously though, I hope you have a network of friends and industry associates to help you stay up to date with what’s happening, but it takes a deliberate effort. Last week and the week before, we asked our readers to respond to a short survey about COVID-19, the current market and issues like product shortages. We thank the people who answered the survey, but the response was small and didn’t provide much guidance.

Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest has thousands of marine industry readers right across Canada. This can be a great platform for airing and sharing your ideas about the business and this coming season.  News Week Digest can host the forum to help us all succeed in these very strange times.

I’m certainly interested to hear what’s going on with your business. Without in-person shows and events this year, I miss the conversations I would normally have. So, I invite you to send an email, or even just phone me. Tell me what you feel the issues are. Don’t let global events dictate to us. Let’s create our own Canadian Conversation. Throw Andy a Line!

Andy Adams – Editor


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