Education rather than regulation

Andy Adams 2018 Edited 400

April 4, 2023

Last week I attended one of the last 2023 Boating Ontario Regional Meetings. It was in Orillia, it was just packed and in all the years I’ve been attending these great sessions, I don’t recall a time when there were more big issues facing us as an industry.

From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Boating Ontario CEO, Rick Layzell was on his feet and going quickly through the topics.

A few of the big and potentially very damaging issues facing the recreational boating industry include the ongoing impact of the new Luxury Tax on boats, the association’s recent success getting the Floating Accommodations legislation amended (so that cruising boaters can still anchor out in select locations and that boats can safely navigate), and there is also the issue of new legislation on Mandatory PFD wear for recreational boaters still looming.

While this Mandatory PFD issue is under review by Transport Canada, they seem to be advancing the idea of new regulation requiring people on every boat under 6-meters (19.685-feet) to be wearing their PFD at all times.

We certainly support and work hard to promote boating safety, but we are big proponents of boating education too. An educated boater would certainly know when to put their PFD on and when it’s not a good idea to even go out.

I’m sure you have your own opinions about mandatory PFD wear and about increasing the burden of boating regulations too. The place to voice your opinions is through your marine trade association. The more input they get and the greater our numbers are, the more attention the politicians pay to us.

Changing the topic totally here, we wanted to remind our readers that Boating Industry Canada News Week Digest invites you to post your marine industry career opportunities for FREE. Have a look at the jobs listed already this year. The Career Opportunities section is at the bottom of this newsletter, every week, all year ‘round. This is the time of year to secure the staffing you need this season. Send your job postings in today.

On a personal note, I have enjoyed a long and rewarding career in the marine industry myself and I want to say (a much belated) public thank you to Alf Mortimer who passed away last week in his 100th year. It was Alf who generously agreed to give me a brand-new Sea Ray 190 to use for my first-ever boat review. Car magazines were doing car reviews at that time, but there were almost no boat reviews. Alf showed a lot of faith and took a bit of a risk on me as well. The review was published in the August 1976 Canadian Yachting magazine and with his support, I began what is now a life-long career as a boating writer. The industry has lost a pioneer, a very successful business man and I’ve lost an important friend.

Andy Adams – Editor

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