IBEX Video Awards 2013

The International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX) announced the winners of the second-annual Exhibitor Video Awards (EVAs) at the All-Industry Breakfast Monday morning. SeaStar Solutions (formerly Teleflex Marine) won both the Best Product Video for “Optimus 360 by SeaStar Solutions” and Best Company Video for “Teleflex Marine Is Now SeaStar Solutions.” The People’s Choice Award went to Dometic Corporation for their video, “Dometic Spot Zero Dock Box Hose Down Your Boat and Let It Air Dry.”

A panel of judges from Marine Marketers of America (MMA) selected the Best Product and Company Videos. The most votes on the IBEX Facebook page determined the People’s Choice award. The EVA competition was open to all 2013 exhibitors who posted a product or company video with their online booths on the IBEX website. After the awards presentation, IBEX marketing director Kate Holden commented, “We created the EVAs to recognize the importance of video marketing in our industry’s general marketing plans. We are going to see more and more video marketing campaigns across all industries, and it is our goal to promote excellence.”

“Video content is cheaper than ever to implement, and really adds a ‘wow’ component to your campaign,” added John Chiles, one of the MMA judges and owner of Engaged!, a marine industry social media manager. “Videos really put a face on your brand, and set you apart from the crowd. If a picture is worth a thousand words, than a video is worth ten thousand.”

Judges revealed the winners at the All-Industry Breakfast, on the first morning of IBEX, the premier boating-industry technical trade show and networking event. IBEX is taking place this week at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, KY.

In addition to the presentation of the EVA awards, those attending the event also listened to a presentation about leadership from Rick Pitino. Pitino is the head coach of the University of Louisville basketball team and holds the distinction of being the only coach in the NCAA’s history to have led three separate teams to the Final Four.

Optimus 360 by SeaStar Solutions  http://youtu.be/YFrEREZlasw
Teleflex Marine Is Now SeaStar Solutions  http://youtu.be/bU6nsJpFAFI
Dometic Spot Zero Dock Box Hose Down Your Boat and Let It Air Dry  http://youtu.be/pGbpfp_e07A

According to organizers, attendance to the All-Industry Breakfast increased from last year to 500 professionals this year.

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