IMBC Seminar Proposal


May 8, 2016

Marina conference reaches out to industry for relevant and timely topics

The International Marina and Boatyard Conference (IMBC)  has posted a “Call for Presenters” on its website.

Submit your proposal to speak today! The conference, produced by the Association of Marina Industries (AMI), is scheduled for January 25-27, 2017, at the Broward County Convention Center, Ft. Lauderdale Florida.

Presentations should be designed for intermediate to advanced levels of experience without overt company or product promotions.

Submissions received will be evaluated by IMBC and assigned to one of over 25 breakout sessions and seminars. These are organized by coastal, inland, boatyard, and marina design and engineering tracks. Within the tracks, topics will include: marina operations, emergency response tactics, construction, legal considerations for marinas on federally leased lands, boatyard operations, marketing, management, revenue generation, expense management, customer service, environmental issues, human resources and marina law. Plenary sessions will focus on business topics which appeal to the entire IMBC audience.

All submissions are due by May 18, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact IMBC staff at 401-682-7334. For guidelines and the proposal form, please visit

IMBC-Formed in 2002 as the National Marina & Boatyard Conference, the International Marina & Boatyard Conference is the leading show catering specifically to marina and boatyard owners, operators, and managers as well as dockmasters, harbormasters, boat builders and repairers, and industry consultants.   



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