Aug 28, 2018
Protocol Environmental Solutions Inc. has partnered with California Polytechnic State University, Civil Engineering Department and together they have had a 2 year winning streak and the nationally held Concrete Canoe Competition.
Every year The American Society of Civil Engineers holds a national Concrete Canoe Competition. Teams of students from universities throughout US, Canada and as far away as China compete to design, build and race a canoe formed completely of concrete. For the past 2 years our Company, Protocol Environmental Solutions, has partnered with the Cal-Poly Team providing only their team with our InnerCreteTM concrete waterproofing and sealing technology. These sustainable, water-based chemical technologies were used by both the 2016 and 2017 Teams first on their practice concrete canoes then on their racing canoe.
After a 4-year span of no wins, the incredibly talented team of Civil Engineering students from the university placed 1st in the Regionals and went on to place 1st in the National Competition in 2016 and 2017!
We got to speak with Julia Raeder of Protocol Environmental Solutions Inc. and she shared with us a letter from Project Manager, Cal Poly Concrete Canoe.
“On behalf of the Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Concrete Canoe team, thank you for supporting our endeavors throughout the year as we successfully defended our national title at competition. Our team was only able to achieve such a high level of success with the support of truly outstanding organizations such as Protocol Environmental Solutions and their InnerCrete Concrete Waterproofing Technology, who are actively investing in the future of engineering. The effectiveness of VersaGuard with InnerCrete Concrete Waterproofing Technology is most clearly shown by the fact that even after the canoe was placed in the water for regional competition, it continued to lose weight. The final weight at national competition, 176 pounds, was 4 pounds lighter than the initial weight prior to regional competition. The sealer effectively prevented any additional water from entering the concrete during race day while existing water in the concrete continued to evaporate. This product no doubt does its job, and it certainly does it well.
Cal Poly looks forward to a strong relationship with Protocol Environmental Solutions in years to come.”
Congratulations to all!
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