Community Week at the MMBC for Float the Boat Fundraising Campaign

Mar 19, 2024
Heading towards the halfway mark as Community Week begins! Photo courtesy of The Maritime Museum of BC
It’s Community Week at the Maritime Museum of BC. To celebrate the 4th annual Float the Boat fundraising campaign, admission to the museum is by donation all week long, from March 12 – 16! Just by visiting, you can help put the wind in the museum’s sails: support operations and exciting upcoming programs and exhibits.
Float the Boat Community Week
From March 12 – 16 during regular opening hours 10 AM – 5 PM, admission will be by donation, with all donations going towards the Float the Boat campaign. Just by visiting, you can help support this vital fundraising campaign, and join in the fun with their interactive displays, Victoria Harbour exhibit and more!
Information for the Public
Put the wind in the Maritime Museum of BC’s sails by contributing today! Donate here.
Read about new and exciting projects that the Float the Boat campaign directly impacts here.
Float the Boat Admission by Donation Week: March 12-16
Opening Hours: Tuesdays – Saturdays; 10 AM – 5 PM
Address: The Maritime Museum of BC, 744 Douglas Street
“We have some exciting plans on the horizon here at the Maritime Museum of BC. Your contribution to Float the Boat will directly fund initiatives such as opening our exhibits seven days a week, enhancing our programming at this year’s Classic Boat Festival, launching two new community-focused exhibits, touring Dorothy, the newly restored heritage sailing vessel in our collection, and introducing new weekend programming and behind-the-scenes collections tours to make our collections and the history preserved here more accessible for all,” said Vis, “Together, we can ensure that the Maritime Museum of BC continues to flourish and that we can serve our community even better in the coming year.”