2022 Great Lakes Public Forum in Niagara Falls, Ontario September 27 – September 29, 2022
May 16, 2022
The Great Lakes Public Forum will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, September 27 – September 29.
The 2022 Great Lakes Public Forum will provide an opportunity for the Governments of Canada and the United States to discuss and receive public comments on the state of the lakes and binational priorities for science and action, as well as an opportunity for the International Joint Commission to discuss and receive public input on the Progress Report of the Parties.
The Public Forum takes place once every three years and allows for significant public input into the implementation of the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
This year’s Public Forum holds special significance as it falls on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the 1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States. We hope you’ll join us at the Forum to celebrate this important milestone!
Event website: https://binational.net/
Contact: Pamela Finlayson, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Email: glwqa-aqegl@ec.gc.ca