ABYC Marine Law Symposium agenda and speakers announced

Nov 2, 2021
Early bird registration rate available until Dec.1
The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) has announced the agenda and speaker lineup for the fifth annual Marine Law Symposium, “Product, Professional and Personal Liability,” Jan. 11, 2022, at the Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina.
“We are thrilled to be back in person for the 2022 Marine Law Symposium with an excellent speaker lineup,” said John Adey, ABYC president. “We will be following COVID guidelines as outlined by the Francis Marion Hotel, so space is limited. We encourage people to register soon to benefit from these exclusive perspectives on high profile accidents not shared in any other venue.”
The agenda includes case studies of accident investigations and litigations that impact today’s verdicts, evidence and expert testimony tips, and common liability risks with prevention steps. Six continuing education credits will be awarded to attendees.
The 2022 Marine Law Symposium speakers:
* Raúl Chacón Jr. – MG+M The Law Firm
* Peter Chisholm – Mercury Marine
* William Daley – CED Technologies
* Gregory Davis – Davis Marine Consulting Associates
* Patrick Duggan – Merrimac Insurance
* Stephen Ellenbecker – Johnson & Bell
* Christina Paul – K&L Gates LLP
* Jeffery Smith – Honigman LLP
* Robert Taylor – Design Research Engineering (DRE)
The symposium content is essential for surveyors, manufacturers, insurance personnel, lawyers, compliance professionals, expert witnesses, consultants and anyone looking to get into the marine industry.
“The Marine Law Symposium is an excellent opportunity for marine manufacturers to be introduced to a plethora of legal liability concerns,” said Jeff Wasil, BRP engineer. “In fact, after attending the symposium, I was able to bring back some concerns which made an immediate impact on our products.”
An early bird registration discount is available until Dec. 1, 2021.
Due to the unique circumstances surrounding current travel, ABYC will honor a full refund for anyone who cancels their registration before Dec. 13.
Sponsors include CWR Wholesale Distribution, Wards Marine Electric, MG+M Law Firm, CED Technologies, Forensic Marine Investigations International and Vetus Maxwell.
To learn more about the event and sponsorship opportunities visit www.abycmarinelaw.com.