June 11, 2018
For dedicated boaters, the quality and care of our marine environment is key. Following the immensely successful Clean Marine Program launched by Boating Ontario in 1995, the association has now come out with their Clean Boater Program.
Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec and seven Great Lakes States have programs encouraging marina operators to adopt best practices for protecting the environment. The Boating Ontario Clean Marine Program is the most successful of these as it approaches its 20th year with more than 280 marinas certified in Ontario. Clean Marine is a voluntary program of environmental best practices. Marinas committed to helping protect our waterways, voluntarily enroll in the Clean Marine Program and ensure that their facilities follow the prescribed environmental best practices.
All participants in the Clean Marine Program complete the program’s 200 point check-list and the mandatory audit every four years. The Clean Marine Program has been instrumental in recycling shrink wrap, oil, filters and waste material. It has assisted with the replacement of old technology engines, upgrading of high efficiency lighting, use of environmentally responsible products and hydroelectric usage in marinas.
Now, Boating Ontario is pushing the initiative even further, by getting the word out about becoming a Clean Boater! The initiative is supported by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. While the 2018 pilot project will focus on the Lake Simcoe watershed, boaters from across the province are encouraged to take the pledge. What’s involved in the pledge? Well, it’s as simple as filling out a form and pledging the following:
As a passionate boater who enjoys Ontario waterways, I pledge to do all I can to protect the waters for all to enjoy, now and in the future, by embracing the following Boating Ontario Clean Boater practices:
-Recycle and keep Ontario waterways free of refuse and garbage
-Practice proper fueling techniques
-Keep a clean, oil free bilge and use oil absorbent bilge socks or mats
-Use proper pump-out facilities
-Support Boating Ontario’s Clean Marine marinas
-Promote Clean Boater practices at all times
As a Clean Boater, participants will periodically receive communications about environmentally responsible boating tips and events in Ontario!
Clean Marinas can be one of the driving forces in getting the word out, and having their boaters become Clean Boaters. We’d like to encourage all Marina’s to become Clean Marinas and all boaters to become Clean Boaters by taking the pledge!
To take the Clean Boater Pledge visit here:
To find out more about the Clean Marine Program visit here: