Jan 26, 2021
The program builds a pathway for young women across Nova Scotia in grades 10-12 to explore career opportunities and innovations in the ocean technology industry.
The Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE) in partnership with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development – Nova Scotia, Ignite Labs, Dalhousie University’s Emera IDEAhub and DeepSense, and with support from IBM Canada and Engineers Nova Scotia, is thrilled to announce the launch of a program aimed at engaging young women in the region’s burgeoning ocean tech industry. Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women is an extracurricular program being offered across the province to youth in grades 10-12 as part of a strategy to attract more under-represented groups to the marine industry. Featuring a monthly speaker series, mentoring program, and hands-on design-thinking workshop, this program will be led by women, for young women.
Exploring Opportunities in Ocean Tech for Young Women connects young women in the Western, Northern & Central Nova Scotia regions to female role models in the ocean tech industry to build their awareness of the many applications of engineering across the industry, develop their understanding of what engineering is and how it contributes to innovation across the broad industry. Through the program, students will gain awareness of the skills required and develop pathways to engineering and technology careers in the industry. The program provides young women with tangible real-world experiences, ranging from engineering to computer science with the opportunity to explore both theoretical and practical applications.
The flexible learning program highlights four key ocean tech sectors and related technologies:
• Aquaculture and fishing
• Shipbuilding and boat building
• Marine renewable energy
• Marine observation and conservation
The program will launch in January 2021, with registration open since January 13th. While COVID-19 restrictions remain in place, the program will be offered virtually, and move to in-person as it becomes safe to gather again.
For more details or to register as a student or as a mentor, please go to
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development is investing $20,000 to support this program.
To learn more about COVE, visit