How to Improve Management/Employee Relations

Apr 26, 2022
Author: Jeff Doran, President – CCEOC Inc.
It used to be, that in order to improve employee performance, managers studied the numbers, adjusted processes, applied some training, did a little coaching, patted employees on the back and hoped for the best. Let’s be honest, this isn’t the best approach.
Managing by the numbers makes people feel like numbers. While the numbers are important, employees need to feel valued as individuals. This will go a long way in helping them stay connected, engaged and committed to company goals and objectives.
In order to improve management/employee relations, managers need to humanize the work experience. A “people-first management” approach is a good place to start. Simply put, people-first management means that, above all else, employees come first. This approach builds trust and often results in significant improvements in employee morale, engagement and productivity.
In order for this to work, managers need to get to know their employees. They need to display honesty, respect, passion, persistence, empathy, humility and compassion on a daily basis. They need to express gratitude and let their employees know they care. If managers are not sure they are exhibiting “people-first management” behaviours, they need to ask themselves this question, “How would I like to be treated in this situation?”
Management must know what is in the hearts and minds of their employees. It might sound simple, but saying, “good morning” with a smile on your face and checking in with employees on a personal level can make a huge difference in building positive relationships.
These comments from the Boating Industry Canada Employer of Choice survey illustrate how employees feel and reinforce the positive impact of a people-first management style….
“Respects the rights and diversity of all individuals and staff.”
“Very supportive and encouraging environment”
“Takes health and safety training seriously and provides a safe work environment.”
“I always know that, even though they are very busy, management will make time to hear my concerns and address them as much as possible.”
No matter where people work, they want to be respected. They want to feel valued for the work they do, be given opportunities to succeed and know they are making a difference.
Management teams need to make sure this happens.