Apr 28, 2020
The NMDA Board of Directors, has made the difficult decision to cancel S.T.E.P. for 2020. “This was not a decision made lightly, nor was it one we wanted to make” said Laura Leon, of Medart Marine and President of NMDA, “but considering where we are in fighting this pandemic, it was the right one” she concluded.
Nancy Cueroni, Executive Director of NMDA, stated “our first concern is for the safety and well being of our members. With the meetings held in the living rooms of the suites there is no way to practice social distancing which adds to our concern”. She continued, “we will have S.T.E.P. in July 2021 once the details have been finalized.”
S.T.E.P. which stands for Sales, Training, Education and Purchasing has been held for the past 28 years with 2019 being one of the largest events. With more than 70 buyers and 900 plus purchasing meetings last year S.T.E.P. remains one of the most efficient ways to see your buyers and/or customers.
NMDA remains committed to working with the rest of the recreational boating industry to promote safe boating practices during COVID-19. While S.T.E.P. will not take place, purchasing, promotions and educating our customers will continue.
NMDA is the leading trade association for US and Canadian marine products distributors. Members include major distributors, many leading product manufacturers and manufacturers’ representatives. For more information visit www.nmdaonline.com, email info@nmdaonline.com or call 860.767.7898.