Sept 15, 2020
Photo Credit: Joel Erikkson
Marine Industries Association of South Florida and Informa U.S. Boat Shows Announce County and City Support for The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show October 28th through November 1st.
The Marine Industries Association of South Florida (MIASF), owners of the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS), along with show producer, Informa U.S. Boat Shows, are pleased to announce that the 61st annual FLIBS will go on with support from government officials in both Broward County and the City of Fort Lauderdale. At today’s Broward County Commission meeting, commissioners provided clear direction to County Administrator Betha Henry to approve the show.
The five-day outdoor boat show will take place from Oct. 28th – Nov. 1st with Informa Markets’ comprehensive AllSecure health and safety standards in place designed to create an exceptional visitor experience that prioritizes the safety of all attendees, exhibitors, crew members, and staff.
Andrew Doole, President of Informa U.S. Boat Shows, said, “FLIBS is a major economic driver for the marine industry and the surrounding community. We recognize the importance of the show and have spoken with key stakeholders, customers and local government officials, and the resounding response has been in support of moving forward with the outdoor event this fall. We have worked diligently to develop a plan so that every person who attends the show can do so with confidence. We are grateful for the support of our elected officials, and our community.”
Mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Dean Trantalis, issued a statement, saying, “I am extremely pleased that the County Commission gave clear direction today that the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show can take place as planned next month. It is vital that we get our economy back on track. The upcoming Boat Show is critical to accomplishing that because the show has a major positive economic impact on Fort Lauderdale by supporting local businesses and their employees. Public health will be protected. Fort Lauderdale has been a leader in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, and we have worked with the Boat Show to put together a solid plan to ensure it will be held with the utmost safety.”
FLIBS is the largest in-water boat show in the world with over 80 percent of the show taking place in open-air outdoor spaces. The show spans across nearly 90 acres of multiple outdoor sites. In its 61-year history, FLIBS has never been cancelled, despite various threats like hurricanes and economic downturns, thanks to the continued support from the boating community. In 2019, the show generated an economic impact of $1.3 billion to the state of Florida and more than 8,000 full-time jobs were associated with the show.
MIASF CEO/president, Phil Purcell, added, “FLIBS is an opportunity to jumpstart the local and state economy through direct sales, as well as hotel stays, transportation, dining, and recreation. Our land-based businesses benefit from the show just as much as our marine businesses. We are pleased our local officials continue to recognize the importance of this event and have given us their full support to move forward.”
MIASF and Informa Markets U.S. Boat Shows have devoted significant effort to safeguard the show. All attendees can expect a contactless ticketing system, multiple new entrances (14 total), widened docks to widths up to 30 feet, thermo imaging systems for temperature checks and high velocity sanitization systems with HEPA filters.
With the new AllSecure standards in place, FLIBS will follow the GBAC (Global Biorisk Advisory Council) standards for enhanced cleaning, including undergoing deep cleaning with disinfection each hour on all high touch points during show operating hours and after each day’s events.
Face coverings will be required by all exhibitors and attendees. CDC signage will be posted throughout the show and in all high traffic areas. All customer lines will be spaced out with visual markers every 6-feet, including at all entrances, restrooms, and food and beverage stands, among others. Hygiene stations will also be installed throughout.
To help visitors understand the major changes to expect at this year’s show, FLIBS’ organizers have produced an informative Know Before You Go safety video.