Know the Tide as Easily as the Time

For cruising yachtsmen or those who just find this interesting, comes a new iPhone App from the inventor of the Krieger Tidal Chronometer. The App is called the ChronGlobal Tidal Chronoscope.

The ChronGlobal Tidal Chronoscope offers a sophisticated, virtual wristwatch featuring the current level of worldwide tides, along with lunar and solar position at your location.

In the look and feel of the most popular tide watch ever, this iPhone App gives a simple and instant overview of current tide levels and lunar and solar positions with instant tide information based on your location using the GPS features of your iPhone.

The makers claim they have built a data base of 9400 reporting tide stations around the world with the cooperation of governmental agencies and/or licensing agreements.  The App works utilizing the GPS feature of your iPhone and by tapping into government data bases. So no matter where you are in the world, it will tell you the current state of the ocean tides at your location instantly.  And you can also track any other tide location in the world. It also features a virtual wrist watch for following the daily lunar movements, and an additional virtual watch for following the daily position of the sun. Look for this at the iTunes App store by searching for Chronglobal.  It’s called the Chronglobal Tidal Chronoscope. An Android devices version is coming. For more information visit:

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