All Dealers at TIBS Should Attend the Tuesday 8:30 am Business Development Session

The RSVP date has passed, but there are still seats available at the Business Development Session, “Building Bench Strength – How Strong Is Yours?”
Also, this will be a special opportunity to meet the new President and CEO of GE Commercial Distribution Finance, Mr. Howard Shiebler. Mr. Shiebler is a former marina owner himself. Don't miss this chance to see him in person!
This business development session can help guide your dealership to greater success and greater longevity too. Just consider what can happen when you don’t have a strong bench.
The Indianapolis Colts just found out. Quarterback great Peyton Manning did not lead his team onto the field at the start of this season for the first time in 227 consecutive games, due to an injury. The coaches were caught off guard; nobody had planned for that. The Colts were left scrambling and finished the season 2-14!
“How strong is my bench?” It’s a question that every marine dealer should be asking.
A strong bench helps you sell more today. A strong bench secures vital customer relationships. A strong bench is obviously an essential component of your future business success yet, less than 15% of companies in North America believe they have the bench strength to fill key positions in the future.
David Spader’s presentation will help you select those people who have future potential by evaluating them in 3 areas. Come to this session to learn about those three areas.
This valuable 2-hour business development session is hosted by Boating Industry Canada magazine in partnership with General Electric Commercial Distribution Finance (GE CDF). Just come to the Toronto International Boat Show on Tuesday, January 17th, starting at 8:30am in the Presentation Theatre.
The session is FREE for TIBS Exhibitors.