Georgia Strait Alliance Urges Action On Infectious Salmon Anemia

Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA), the virus that devastated the Chilean salmon farming industry a few years ago, appears to be lurking in BC waters as well. Although not yet confirmed, cases of this exotic virus have been identified in Pacific salmon in several locations on the coast. ISAv, which is endemic to Atlantic salmon, can only have originated from imported farm salmon eggs. Rather than attempting to discredit the findings, the Governments of Canada and British Columbia must take urgent action. See
Wild salmon advocates are demanding the Governments of Canada and British Columbia take urgent action to discover the extent of the presence of Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAv) in wild salmon, herring and trout in BC waters. The response given at a press conference held by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, BC and Canada, Monday, November 8 was unsatisfactory in that the officials continue to send a message that "inconclusive" tests on wild salmon samples must be interpreted as "negative." Officials also failed to confirm that they are sending workers out into the rivers and streams to collect more samples.
Photo Caption: Farmed Atlantic salmon in BC
Photo: Michelle Young