Aug 11, 2020
The American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) has published its 60th supplement of Standards and Technical Information Reports for Small Craft, which provides the marine industry with the latest in boat building and repair standards.
“This year’s supplement contains a much anticipated technical information report on lithium ion batteries, which provides valuable and much needed guidance to the industry on this growing technology,” said ABYC technical director Brian Goodwin.
“New technology was also addressed in the area of electric/electronic steering and propulsion control. Responding to market trends, the new standard, P-28, now addresses dynamic positioning, joysticks, and wireless controls.”
ABYC members can access the standards on ABYC’s website via the standards library. The online standards library includes an overview document that highlights the major changes in supplement 60. Additional technical tools found on ABYC’s website include: summary of changes at the beginning of each standard, an updated compliance audit checklist, updated test templates, and an online webinar reviewing supplement 60.
New and revised standards and technical information reports:
A-14, Gasoline and Propane Gas Detection Systems
A-23, Sound Signal Appliances — Technical Amendment
A-24, Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Alarms
A-31, Battery Chargers and Inverters
A-33, Emergency Engine/Propulsion Cutoff Devices –Technical Amendment
H-4, Cockpit Drainage Systems
H-22, Electric Bilge Pump Systems
H-23, Water Systems on Boats
H-31, Seat Structures
P-14, Mechanical Propulsion Control Systems
P-28, Electric/Electronic Control Systems for Propulsion and Steering — New
S-7, Boat Capacity Labels
S-33, On-Water Engine Emissions Testing — New
Technical Information Reports
TE-13, Lithium Ion Batteries — New
TH-29, Sewage Systems
TY-28, Boat Lifting and Storage
ABYC standards are continuously researched, developed, and revised by over 400 volunteer technical experts and marine professionals participating in Project Technical Committees (PTCs). All are welcome to have a voice in the standards development process. Visit ABYC’s website to learn how to get involved.
Visit www.abycinc.org to purchase the supplement 60 manual or desktop subscription.