Aug 4, 2020
While it has long been a very respected practice for businesses to support a charitable cause, it seems to us that the pain and sacrifices that many people have made recently as we all deal with COVID-19, has put a spotlight on the importance of giving and generosity.
There are almost countless good causes that merit support, from huge national issues to small (but often very important) local causes. Bell Canada has maintained a program to support mental health and they have used the clever connection between “talking” as we all do on our phones, to talking about mental health – a subject that deserves more attention and understanding in the broadest sense.
We just learned about the program that Maple Leaf Marinas have run to put their support behind Georgian Bay General Hospital and we wanted to share their generosity and civic support with our readers. The local hospital is a very important part of the community and funding is always tight. For Maple Leaf Marinas to take up the cause is very honorable, civic-minded and also a logical support to the marina’s many customers, a few of whom are sure to turn to the Georgian Bay General Hospital through the summer for help of some kind.
Is there an important or appropriate organization that your business could be supporting? There may be a way to give back to your customers while elevating your business above some others.