Early Bird Sale for boating permits on Parks Canada’s historic canals and waterways

Parks Canada Seasonal Permit

Mar 25, 2025

There’s never been a better time to explore the best boating that Canada has to offer!

Parks Canada administers one of the finest and most extensive systems of natural and cultural heritage areas in the world.  Lockage and mooring permits allow visitors to immerse themselves in the beautiful landscapes, fascinating history and lively local culture found along the historic canals and waterways administered by Parks Canada.

Until March 31, 2025, Parks Canada is offering 10% off seasonal lockage permits. In addition, visitors will receive a further 10% off a seasonal mooring permit when purchased as part of the seasonal lockage and mooring package.

Order yours online: parksorders.ca


Where can I purchase my 2025 lockage and mooring permits? 

Visitors can order their permits online or by phoning 1-888-773-8888. Please visit the Parks Canada website (Passes, Permits, and Fees) for more information. Lockage and mooring permits will also be available at most lockstations, throughout the 2025 navigation season.

Where are lockage and mooring permits accepted?

Parks Canada lockage and mooring permits are accepted at the historic canals and waterways listed below. The mooring permits also allow boaters to moor at Thousand Islands National Park, and Georgian Bay Islands National Park.



Locations that do not charge lockage fees:

What kind of lockage and mooring permits are there? How much do they cost?

A complete list of available lockage and mooring permits and their prices is available on the Parks Canada website.

Visitors are encouraged to consult the website to determine which option is best for them, depending on the length of time they plan on spending on the historic canals and waterways administered by Parks Canada. Alternatively, visitors can also phone the Parks Canada’s National Information Service for further information: 1-888-773-8888.

Why should I purchase my lockage or mooring permit now?

A number of visitors typically purchase their seasonal lockage and mooring permits throughout the winter to take advantage of the early bird incentives Lockage and mooring permits allow visitors to immerse themselves in the beautiful landscapes, fascinating history and lively local culture found along the historic canals and waterways administered by Parks Canada. This sale only happens once a year, so take advantage of this limited-time discount and start planning all those trips you’ve been dreaming of.

Q. Why has the early bird discount been reduced to 10% this year?

A. For the 2025 season, Parks Canada has revised the Early Bird discount on seasonal lockage permits from 20% to 10%. Visitors who take advantage of the 10% Early Bird discount on lockage permits will still have access to a 10% discount on seasonal mooring permits, when purchased as part of the package.

The reduction is part of a broader effort to ensure the sustainability of Parks Canada’s services and facilities on Parks Canada’s Historic Canals and Waterways. Parks Canada revenues are invested in maintaining visitor experiences while keeping the waterways accessible. Despite the reduced Early Bird discount, there are still meaningful savings, particularly as the 2025 fees remain unchanged.

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