June 23, 2019
Boating Ontario sent out a notification to their members reminding them that the Ontario Government is launching a summer safety blitz to protect workers.
The Ontario Government is working with employers to keep new and young workers safe by launching targeted inspections focused on the safety of summer students. The inspections follow months of outreach to businesses by the Ministry of Labour to educate and assist them in creating safe workplaces.
“New workers are three times more likely to be injured during their first month on the job,” said Minister of Labour Monte McNaughton. “That’s why we’re doing this. Families should expect that when their sons and daughters go to work each day, they’ll come home safely.”
Inspectors will focus on workplaces that are newly registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and haven’t had a proactive health and safety visit in the last five years. The focus for inspections will be on retail, restaurant, food, beverage, hospitality and recreational services. The blitz will run until August 30, 2019.
“After months of working together with businesses to get them ready, the inspections are beginning today,” said McNaughton. “We want to ensure they’re compliant.”