Edmonton Sports Show


January 18, 2016

The 2016 Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen’s Show will take over the entire Expo Centre, Northlands March 10-13th, 2016.

“If you are an outdoor enthusiast the 2016 Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen’s Show is a must attend event,” says Pamela Ziwani, Assistant Show Manager – Alberta, “this show covers all aspects of the outdoor lifestyle including boating, offroading,fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, adventure tourism, destination travel locations, and every conceivable outdoor related product and service as well as organizations devoted to education, conservation and preservation.”

Millions of dollars in boats and marine products will be on display on the Show floor to provide show-goers with theperfect opportunity to shop and compare all under one roof. Boat dealers will be offering some of the best deals of the season on watercraft and accessories. Order at the Show to ensure an early Spring delivery.

If a fishing expedition is on your radar then be sure to check out the Fishin’ Hole’s 35 Hour Savings Fishtacular. There will be product demos and manufacturer’s representatives on hand to steer you in the right direction when choosing the necessary gear and equipment that is just right for you.

Knowing you want to take an outdoor adventure trip is the easy part, but deciding where to go and what to do is another. The travel and tourism area of the Show features fishing charters, remote hunting and fishing lodges, vacation rentals and weekend excursions for the outdoorsperson in all of us.

Getting the kids interested in an outdoor lifestyle can start right at the Show. The Kids Fishing Pond allows childrenunder the age of 12 to give catch and release a try. All the proceeds benefit the Edmonton Fish and Game Association.

Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows is delighted to partner with organizations that are dedicated to education,preservation and conservation, and Alberta Hunter Education Instructors’ Association (AHEIA) is one such organization.

Their Education Centre offers a family friendly environment with hands on displays, hunting and fishing simulators aswell as educational exhibits. The ever-popular Alberta Birds of Prey Centre will conduct presentations throughout theweekend, sharing stories and educating attendees about the Centre and its program to rehabilitate injured birds of preyand release them back into the wild. The Kids Scavenger Hunt is back by popular demand, make your way through theshow, answer questions and collect information for a chance to win daily prizes – it is fun for the whole family.

The West Coast Lumberjack Show presented by Husqvarna is an action packed show that is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

These seasoned pros will demonstrate strength, talent and agility in a variety of disciplines including axe throwing, the spring board chop, and log rolling just to name a few. In addition, chainsaw carver Kevin Lewis will be carving live at the

Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen’s Show. A native of British Columbia, his pieces are only limited by his imagination, hispieces created using a chainsaw focus on wildlife, which are often incorporated into functional furniture.

The Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen’s Show will play host to the 2016 NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) Junior High and High School Championships. This annual event has grown leaps and bounds and will see thousands ofschool age archers compete for the title. For the second year the NASP Pro Am Challenge will take place on Friday,March 11th. A handful of students will be paired up with a celebrity to compete head to head for bragging rights.

The Outdoor Presentation Stage will feature some of the biggest names in the Canadian outdoor industry including: TJ Schwanky, Vanessa Harrop, Richard and Sandi Mellon from Outdoor Quest TV, professional outfitter and host of ClaudioOngaro’s Hired to Hunt; Claudio Ongaro, Wild TV co-hosts of “The Bone Yard”, Jason Acorn and Calvin Buckler, prolificwriter and avid outdoorsmen Brad Fenson, as well as outdoor writer and photographer Wes David. They will be sharingtheir personal experiences, stories, as well as tips and tricks related to their areas of outdoor expertise.

For the first time ever National Geographic Channel’s Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet will on hand for a Q & A, autograph sessions, in addition to participating in a number of activities the afternoon of Friday, March 11th including the NASP Celebrity Pro AM and the Alberta Birds of Prey Presentation. Check the website for all the details.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enter to win this year’s grand prize of a Spring Clean Up Package, valued at $3,000.00 courtesy of Husqvarna.

Purchase your advance tickets at the Fishin’ Hole. Present your WIN card at the door and receive $2.00 off the regular Senior or Adult admission price.


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