Waves Of Change–Oceans Of Opportunity

I just attended a special group meeting at the Boating Ontario association where a group of marine industry professionals were invited to offer their input and ideas to help guide the annual Boating Ontario Conference & Trade Show which is going to be held at Deerhurst Resort this December 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2014.
The theme the group unanimously agreed on was “Waves of Change–Oceans of Opportunity”. It really seemed to sum up the boating industry environment while promising to share oceans of opportunity with those who attend the conference.
We will all need to ride the waves of change to reach those opportunities but unfortunately, we all know that some marine industry businesses are more skilled at surfing to success than others. We hope you and your business will be one of those who can capitalize on those oceans of opportunity.
On a journey like this, it makes sense to be travelling together towards success. You may be smart and energetic enough to go it alone, but why would you put in all that effort and take all that risk?
Learn from other’s experiences. In our experiences over the past decade of attending the Boating Ontario Conference & Trade Show every year, and by attending similar marine industry events held by Canada’s other marine trades associations, it always seems that the top-performing businesses are the ones that really participate in the events and with their associations.
There's an important attitude people need to have, to gain those benefits and that is to realize that your competitors are not the other companies in the boating industry. Your competitors are golf, organized soccer, baseball, horseback riding and all the other activities that prevent people from going boating.
When we all join together to promote boating, we make a lot more headway than when each of us tries to go it alone.
One of the best reasons for attending a conference like the Boating Ontario Conference & Trade Show is the having the opportunity to work with your peers and your competitors to discuss the big issues that are threats to our industry and to join the team to collectively solve those problems.
A quick and obvious example is that the politicians in Ottawa are more likely to listen to the boating industry's concerns about the hours of operation on the Rideau and Trent Severn Canal systems as presented during the NMMA’s Day On The Hill event this past May, than they will if an individual were to speak out.
People who use the connections and the knowledge they gain through attending important industry events, puts them on the inside track as they search out those future oceans of opportunity.
As you read this issue of Boating Industry Canada, you will see there is a clear theme encouraging you to unite with your industry peers to advance our interests and to collectively open doors.
The Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, CPS–ECP is Canada's largest group of educated and active boaters. The Power Squadron has positive “impact” in a big way because they empower people through knowledge and education, helping them to really go places and handle their boat safely and with confidence.
In this issue, you will also learn more about the NMMA's Day On The Hill and what that group is accomplishing to benefit our industry.
We always try to bring our readers informative and useful knowledge from the National Marine Electronics Manufacturers Association, NMEA and also from the American Boat and Yacht Council, ABYC who are the group who sets the standards for vessel safety and construction standards. 
Last but by no means least, read about the amazing new Sea-Doo Spark personal watercraft that absolutely shatters the price barrier for entry to boating. With the Spark, an MSRP of about $5,000 gets people a boat that can go places, carry a passenger and even tow a tube or a wake boarder.
It’s the kind of exciting new products that can bring us oceans of opportunity. Let’s work together to make it happen!
Andy Adam – Editor

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