Dec 5, 2017
Steve Killing speaking, Rob Mazza
On November 29, Toronto’s Shellbacks Club paid tribute to club member and founder of C&C Yachts, George Cuthbertson who passed earlier this year. The Shellbacks Club has met since 1934 as a means for area sailors to celebrate sailing, sailing lore and shanties.
A record breaking attendance gathered at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club for a light lunch followed by a stirring set of heartfelt recollections of Big George and his accomplishments launching so many groundbreaking designs and company that became a world leader in the design and manufacture of custom and production yachts.
Shellbacks Tradition includes a sea shanty at every gathering
On hand were a crowd of sailors who had raced and owned Cuthbertson/C&C boats, a large number of prominent C&C alumni and many who belonged to both groups including Rob Mazza, who led the organization of the event, and fellow C&C designers Rob Ball and Steve Killing. Alongside their presentation of Cuthbertson’s long list of accomplishments, the speakers shared a series of accolades from industry leaders including Butch Ulmer, Bruce Kirby, Ted Brewer and many others.
The sea shanty Sally Brown was sung heartily in the Shellbacks tradition, a glass was raised to Big George’s honour. All present, including the Cuthbertson family, agreed that not only was this a pioneer and hero of the Canadian boatbuilding industry but that George Cuthbertson was a “truly great guy.”