Mar 12, 2017
From recreational fishing boats to workboats, a significant portion of vessels built in North America have aluminum hulls. When used in brackish or saltwater, galvanic corrosion is a serious concern. Even in fresh water, stray current from a battery can begin the process. Vesconite is the high-performance polymer that has zero conductivity, making it the perfect substitute for stainless steel, brass, bronze and other metal drain plugs.
Vesconite has high dimensional stability and machines to tolerances of +/-0 .001″, making it highly resistant to cross-threading. Because the polymer is internally lubricated, it doesn’t require greasing or lubrication to keep from seizing when left for long periods. Unlike nylon, another common fitting material, it doesn’t swell and soften in water. In fact, it’s so durable, it has 10 times the wear life of bronze, making it a wise choice for OEM manufacturers.
Vesconite is available in North America as custom precision-machined, ready-to-install parts or raw stock. Non-toxic, it mills easily to a fine finish. Hollow bar, solid rod and plate stock shapes are available in a broad range of dimensions and thicknesses.
Contact Vesconite, PO Box 40647, Cleveland, Johannesburg 2022, South Africa. US toll-free: 866-635-7596; Fax: 212-937-3184.;